The Witness of the Church

I was struck by these words from Henry Nouwen. On one level, it is easy for us to say ‘yes’ to them. Yet, they are challenging when we think about the larger church and how it has operated for many years. Or when church leadership drafts up a statement that says what is “first & foremost” to the witness of the church. What would we/you say is ‘first & foremost?’

(From a devotional by Henry Nouwen)

“How does the Church witness to Christ in the world? First and foremost by giving visibility to Jesus’ love for the poor and the weak. In a world so hungry for healing, forgiveness, reconciliation, and most of all unconditional love, the Church must alleviate that hunger through its ministry. Wherever we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the lonely, listen to those who are rejected, and bring unity and peace to those who are divided, we proclaim the living Christ, whether we speak about him or not. It is important that whatever we do and wherever we go, we remain in the Name of Jesus, who sent us. Outside his Name our ministry will lose its divine energy.”